- HACKberry buy exiii
- 3D printable open source prosthetic hand
- HACKberry open source commnity
- MAJ website
現在HACKberryは上肢身体障害者(児)を対象にコミュニティー活動を行っている特定非営利活動法人 Mission ARM Japan(ミッション アーム ジャパン)に運営を委託しております。お問い合わせ等ありましたらMAJ ミッションアームジャパンのウェブサイトにアクセスしていただきますようお願いします。

HACKberry is an open source motorized prosthetic hand made with a 3D printer.
To make it easy for anyone to make, most of the parts are designed to be easily accessible or can be made with a 3D printer. All the data needed to create it, such as outline data, board data, and programs, are available to the public free of charge. The data can be downloaded at HACKberry Open Source Community. In the open source community, engineers and users from all over the world who have created the data are posting their examples. If you have used the data and created a HACKberry, we would appreciate it if you would post any comments you have noticed on the community so that later creators can use it as a reference.
Currently, HACKberry is managed by Mission ARM Japan, a non-profit organization that conducts community activities for children with upper limb physical disabilities. If you have any inquiries, please visit Mission ARM Japan’s website .

GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2015 グッドデザイン金賞 受賞

JIDA DESIGN MUSEUM selection 2016 選出