- 株式会社UCHIDA
- 株式会社RDS
- 国立リハビリテーションセンター
- toach relay movie
東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピックで、カズさんという男性が注目を集めました。カズさんは、exiii designがデザインしたWF01(車いす)とC-FREX(下肢装具)を使用し、立位歩行でトーチリレーに参加しました。

A Challenge at Tokyo 2020: Kazu’s Torch Relay
At the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics, a man named Kazu captured significant attention. Kazu used the WF01 wheelchair and C-FREX lower limb orthosis, both designed by exiii design, to participate in the torch relay while walking upright.
Using C-FREX requires crutches, making it impossible to carry a torch by hand. Previously, attaching the torch to a wheelchair was the only way to participate. However, with the introduction of a new shoulder torch attachment, Kazu was able to complete the torch relay on his own feet.
This attachment was designed to securely hold the torch while supporting upright walking, fulfilling Kazu’s strong desire to “run on my own feet.” Behind this development were numerous trials by designers and engineers, driven by a commitment to make the impossible possible through design and technology.
Seeing Kazu carry the torch on his shoulder and walk on his own was an inspiring sight. It demonstrated how design and technology can open up new possibilities, turning dreams into reality.
“With the power of design and technology, any challenge can be overcome.” Kazu’s torch relay delivered a message of hope and courage to the world.