- X-finger by AIWA
- Movable prosthetic finger
- AIWA PLUS website
失われた指を補完する革新的な義指「X-finger」をご紹介します。このコンセプトモデルは、愛和義肢が製作し、exiii designがデザインしています。
このデザインには、ネガティブと思われがちな価値観をポジティブに変えるというexiii designのデザインポリシーが反映されています。
Introducing the X-finger, an innovative prosthetic finger that complements a lost finger. This concept model is manufactured by Aiwa Prosthetic Limb and designed by exiii design.
The “X-finger” utilizes the movement of the remaining finger’s base joint to reproduce the natural movement of the finger, without the need for motors or other power sources, using a link mechanism. The elegant design aims for a level of perfection that beautifully adorns the user’s hand and is the envy of even able-bodied people.
The design reflects exiii design’s policy of turning values normally considered negative into positive.
Please contact Aiwa Prosthetic Limb if you would like to discuss the production of “X-finger”.