- 3D printable prosthetic hand
- 18th Entertainment division Excellence Award
その後、森川さんと共に開発を進め、handiiiをつけて展示会に立つと、多くの来場者が握手を求め、会場は驚きと喜びに包まれました。普通の義手ではそんなことは起こらない――デザインの力が人々の価値観を変える力を持つことを、この経験を通じて確信しました。この考えは、今もexiii designの原動力となっています。

In 2013, while I was still designing video cameras at Panasonic, three members who would later establish exiii gathered online after work to develop an affordable myoelectric prosthetic hand called handiii, made using a 3D printer. handiii became the first Japanese entry to win the prestigious Dyson Design Award and was featured in various media outlets.
Around that time, we were contacted by a man named Mr. Morikawa, who said, “This is the kind of prosthetic hand I’ve been looking for.” Mr. Morikawa had lost his arm in a work accident and had been using a prosthetic, but he suffered from phantom limb pain. I will never forget the smile on his face the moment he put on handiii. On the way home from that meeting, all of us in the development team decided to quit our jobs and devote ourselves to developing this prosthetic hand. We were determined to have Mr. Morikawa use it, and that decision marked the beginning of exiii.
After that, we continued development together with Mr. Morikawa, and when he wore handiii and stood at an exhibition, many visitors came up to shake his hand. It was a scene that wouldn’t happen with an ordinary prosthetic hand. Through this experience, I became certain that the power of design has the ability to change people’s perceptions. This belief remains the driving force behind exiii design today.