- metrol
- website
exiii designではMETROLの新しいロゴマークとパッケージやCIツール全般を整備させていただきました。
The METROL brand symbol is based on METROL’s founding logo
The symbol mark is based on METROL’s founding logo with the “M” motif.
The symbol mark has been created in a precise manner by using a ratio of the thickness of the lines that make up the symbol mark, and by using a proportion of the lines that make up the symbol mark, the symbol mark is designed to be more precise.
The thickness of the lines that make up the symbol mark are used in an organized ratio to create a sense of precision, while a notch on the peak of the “M” gives it a three-dimensional depth and a sense of the future.
The M mountain is partially notched to add three-dimensional depth and a futuristic image.
The tri-cut, a new element in the METROL brand, is intended to precisely measure even the smallest variations.
The exiii design is a new element in the METROL brand.
exiii design developed METROL’s new logo, packaging, and general CI tools.